Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rainbow Cake!

Well, the name says it all. I saw this on a website and had to make it. How cool does this look!?! No special recipe, just use your favorite vanilla or white cake batter recipe. One thing to remember though, is it must be a more runny cake batter. I made this with a vanilla pound cake recipe, and it was difficult. Beware that this is a long process and is quite time consuming. Well worth the effort to see the kids faces when you cut into the cake!

Rainbow Cake "How To"

White or Vanilla Cake Batter
2 8" or 9" cake pans
Pam for Baking
Gel Food Coloring

1. Mix cake batter according to whichever recipe you'd like.

2. Divide batter evenly into six bowls.

3. Using GEL FOOD COLORING tint each bowl of batter with a different color. I used Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.

4. Spray pans with Pam for Baking Nonstick Spray

5. Using 2 Tablespoon cookie scoop, put 1 scoop of the pink batter directly in the center of each pan.

6. Wait for cake batter to spread out and top with a scoop of orange cake batter.

7. Once orange has spread out, top it with Yellow.

8. Once Yellow spreads out, top it with green.

9. Once Green spread out, top it with Blue.

10. Once Blue spreads out, top it with Purple.

11. Repeat the rainbow pattern until all your batter is gone.

12. Both of your pans should be filled with the rainbow pattern, repeating 3 times.

13. Bake cakes as directed on package of cake mix, or per recipe. Frost as desired.

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