Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Auntie Diane's Christmas Caramel Corn

Every year we have the same Holiday routine. Christmas Eve we visit with my Dad's sister (Diane), and then head to my Mom's Sister's (Nancy) house.

My aunt Diane gives us the the same thing for Christmas every year. . .and it's something we all greatly look forward to. I giant bag of her homemade caramel corn, and several loaves of her homemade bread.

She lives over an hour away. . . and it's definitely worth the drive! After two years of inhaling her caramel corn the night we get it, I finally asked her for her recipe. She gave it to me! I rarely make it. In fact, this is only my third time. I still want it to be special when she gives it to us on Christmas! This recipe is similar to the one posted previously, but slightly different.

I highly recommend using air popped popcorn, NOT the microwave bags. It makes the hugest difference to go all homemade. Also, to get the greatest caramel flavor, use all dark syrup and dark brown sugar. Don't forget to sift the popcorn to avoid getting kernels and small pieces in there!

Auntie Diane's Christmas Caramel Corn

1 cup butter

1/2 cup dark corn syrup

2 cups dark brown sugar

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp vanilla

6 quarts (24 cups) of fresh popped popcorn

1. In a saucepan, combine butter, corn syrup,salt, and sugar.

2. Bring to a boil, and boil WITHOUT stirring for 5 and a half minutes.

3. Add in the baking soda and vanilla, stir, and coat all the popcorn in it.

4. Pour into two shallow baking pans and bake at 250 for about 50 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

5. Cool, break apart, and eat!

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