Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eggs and Toast

Ok. . . Iknow. EVERYONE makes these, but in case you don't, here goes. I remember my mom making these easy eggs for breakfast when I was younger. I never ate them. Hated eggs. Boy how things change when you grow up. Now they are a favorite in our house. However, they are "custom made" here. Dave likes his yolks super runny, (which totally grosses me out.) I like them fairly solid, the girls like theirs yolk-less, and Justin likes his yolk and cheese free. That's right folks. . . cheese free as well. Who doesn't like cheese? It's such an odd thing to not like. So the toast in the picture. . . .was my breakfast.

Eggs and Toast

1 piece of bread, buttered on both sides
1 egg
1 piece of cheese
salt and pepper

1. Place bread on hot griddle and cook until slightly browned on one side.
2. Flip bread, and cook on the other side.
3. Cut a hole in the center of your toasted bread.
4. Crack an egg, and pour it into the hole of the bread. The yolk will snuggle down in there to cook. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
5. After cooking a few minutes, flip over and let the other side of the egg cook.
6. Once egg is cooked to desired doneness, top with a piece of cheese, and eat!

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