Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Well, if you're anything like me, you're usual New Year's Resolution probably has a little something to do with losing weight, getting fit, or simply living healthy. I say the same thing each year. "This year I'm really gonna do it!"

But not this year. This year my resolution is a little different. It's not so much a resolution as it is a challenge, or a change of lifestyle. It's going to be hard. People may think I'm crazy. It may create conflict in some of my relationships. But these are all things I'm willing to risk for this "resolution."

My goal this year is to make all my decisions based on What Jesus Would Do! You remember the bracelets? WWJD. These were all over the place a few years ago. Currently, I try to do "the right thing" as often as possible, but I slip and fall a lot. And at times, I may do the "right thing" for the "wrong reason." And if I'm being totally honest, I know where most of my flaws are. Simply put. . .it's my mouth. Gossip. Hurtful words. Ugh. This year that changes.

After careful consideration, and a lot of prayer, I've decided to take this on as a challenge. My hope is that this challenge, will become a lifestyle, and this lifestyle, will inspire others. I know that this will not be easy for me. I will falter often at first. I won't always do the right thing, I won't always say the right thing, and I won't always want the right thing. But it's my goal to try to live in a way that God wants me to.

Galations 5:22 But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.

My aunt recently recited this verse for me. It made me think. A lot. I think that if I can remember this verse, and strive to live a loving and joyful life, that I will find the peace. If I can remember to be patient and kind, goodness should follow. And in all I do, I will remain faithful.

So as you begin this next year of your life, I ask you to join me. I'm not striving for perfection, because it is not possible. All I am doing is trying. Simply trying.

God Bless You, and Your Family

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