Friday, March 14, 2014

Homemade Creamy Mac and Cheese!

I love mac and cheese.  Restaurant mac and cheese, homemade mac and cheese, and even yes, the "blue box" mac and cheese.  It's just childhood  on a plate.  Pure, deliciousness.  I have made MANY homemade recipes, but I love trying new ones.  I guess that must mean that I haven't found a favorite. . .until today.  This recipe requires no baking, it's quick, and easy, and creamy, and tasty.  You have to try it.  Today.  Seriously.  You have a few hours till dinner, and who doesn't have a box of pasta in the cupboard?!  Make it!


2 cups pasta, any shape you have (I used mini bowties!)
3 Tbsp butter
1 cup heavy cream
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
6 slices GOOD american cheese

1.  Cook pasta according to directions on package.  Drain, and toss back into pan with butter.  Mix to coat pasta in the butter.

2.  In a separate bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, eggs, salt, and pepper.  I used a generous amount of salt and pepper.

3.  Pour cream/egg mixture over the pasta and toss in the cheeses.  Stir over medium heat until cheese is melted and mac and cheese is nice and creamy.  The longer you stir/cook the thicker it will be.  I like it not-too-thick and oh-so-creamy, so as soon as that cheese was melted, it was done!

1 comment:

  1. Have you found a recipe for "Catch 31'"'s Mac and Cheese? would love it if you would share... quazione at
