Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tender Crisp Garlic Green Beans!

I think that fresh green beans might be one of my favorite veggies ever.  There is nothing better than green beans that were picked the day you eat them!  Now, I don't have a garden. . .but there are MANY local farmers who set up shop in their driveway and offer tons of fresh goodness!  Of course in March. . .that's just not an option.  So instead I purchase the "fresh" green beans from Costco.  They're long, and thin, and sweet, and savory, and tasty.  Even my kids love them.  There are rarely leftovers when I make a big batch of green beans! 

One of my favorite ways to eat just about any vegetable is to roast it in the oven until it's tender, but with these green beans. . .it takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R  So here's how I LOVE to prepare green beans:


A big pot of boiling salted water
A whole lotta green beans cut into shorter pieces, or left long
A few tsp of butter
Salt, pepper, and a clove of garlic

1.  Toss beans into a pot of boiling water that's been salted and let boil until ALMOST fork tender.  This only takes a few minutes.  The color will get darker and richer. . .and they'll look tasty!

2.  Drain the green beans and rinse them in cold water to stop the cooking process.

3.  In a frying pan, toss in a few tsp. of butter.  I don't know if I even use that much.  Then toss in a while, peeled, clove of garlic. 

4.  Once butter is melted, toss in the green beans and saute over medium heat until desired tenderness is achieved.  I like mine with a bit of a bite to them still, but slightly darkened on the outside.  Toss with salt and pepper. 

5.  Pour into a serving dish, and remember to remove the clove of garlic!

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